Friday, June 26, 2015

Finishing Projects

First day school free and it's time to wrap up a few projects.

Over the last year I've completed  dozens of crochet projects. However, there are always a few that never get completed.  Today I finally got around to giving them the attention they need. Maybe I can start whittling down my yarn stash!

Ripple Stitch
Based on a pattern found in "Quilts & Afghans from McCall's  Needlework & Crafts"
This one I'm still trying to piece together a pattern I'm happy with. It's a variation on the Lucky Shamrock pattern from Red Heart Yarns. Instead of being green and white, I used claret, buff fleck, and a green that I think is medium thyme.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Let the Summer Begin

Today is officially the end of teaching for the 2014-2015 school year.

I've learned a lot this year from my kiddos! Mostly, how the middle school brain works! After teaching in the high school for a couple years, it's certainly been interesting getting to know my 7th and 8th grade students. There's a lot more parenting involved in the tasks of a middle school educator. By high school students have become individuals, perhaps still forming, but Middle School - Middle School you can mold them a whole lot more. I like to think of it as spreading my own brand of corruption. Creating little minions of mine who will do awesome and great things.

In any case, my room is all cleaned out! Hopefully, I will have desks next year instead of tables. With my room being small, it's important to be able to utilize the space effectively. While I'm not overly enthused to start a whole new layout this month, by the start of August I'll be itching to get back in here to get it ready!

Friday, June 12, 2015


While we're in Resource Room, one of my students shouts "He's plagering! plagering!" I see the another student highlighting text from the web and pasting it into his project for English.  When this problem is fixed, the original student was asked for a definition of plagering, to which yet another piped up "it's to be in the process of plagiarizing" 

You learn something new every day...

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

From the Mouth of Babes

After talking about the cold war...
"Name me one country that is a superpower"

On a Cold War Exam
“I am about to tell you about the Cold War. So get a scarf and sweater…
  The Cold War relates to today due to
  War because war will not end for a long time
  It is also related due to nuclear
  Weapons. Just like Iran has today.
  Those are only a few I have…So how
  About you. (literally, I’m curious again)
  PS: You might want a thermos of cocoa for
  The other cold war stories”

"It's a left handed mug!"

"I broked it"

"Duct tape can fix anything but stupid, but it can shit it up for a while"

"Do you ever think that when Chinese people get a happy meal they think-hey I made this?"

"I thought Vietnam was a battlefield...wait people live there?"

"There was this thing that happened, & it led to this other thing happening, & another thing happened and it led to the Civil War"

"Does 'book' stand for something?"