Sunday, November 29, 2015

Are you in or out?

This Thanksgiving break, I'm very thankful for my amazing family. Being together on holidays and celebrating what holds us together is heartwarming. Personally, I get together for two Thanksgiving celebrations, one with my great great aunt & 2nd cousins, and the other with my "immediate" family. In this country, I know that it is rare that there are large families who spend hours together on a regular basis, much less knowing who your second cousins are AND spending Thanksgiving with them. It's always been something that I've been so lucky to have!

While I celebrate all of these blessings, there are two things that are bothering me. First, this year really exemplifies the pre-Christmas rush. Have we skipped over Halloween and Thanksgiving? Have we dismissed the thought of what binds us together? Society has become so terribly individualistic that we have forgotten about others. People become so focused on deals, sales, and material things, that Christmas shopping has overshadowed not one, but two holidays.

Secondly, as the granddaughter of an immigrant to this country, I am uneasy in finding a clear answer to letting refugees in. Where will they live, what will they do, will they eventually become citizens? What is the plan? Yes, people in such terrible positions should be helped - but what are the logistics? Can the nation sustain a large influx? Is there a screening process? What rights will they have? How will those rights be protected? So many questions. In the Thanksgiving spirit, I am thankful for that I have and would like to extend what liberties I have to those who don't. But, it's a more complicated process and national reputations do get in the way.

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