Monday, November 9, 2015

Pondering the Chaos

Lately, I've been thinking about how my room is set up and the amount of papers that are piling up.  Like  one of the blogs I recently read, I'm sure that there are many of us educators that start off the year with good intentions and then the mess ensues. My little world behind the desk has become a flurry of old student papers and department paperwork. So how do I get back on track? Time to get back into that energized mindset. You know, that eagerness that you get in the early months that slowly dissipates.

I am also reminded of a sermon that I heard recently. The pastor, coming out of retirement to preach, gave a sermon that you rarely hear - one of money. Not the money one that's pounded out for stewardship, but one where he basically boiled a lot of fluff down to a couple things. 1) God will provide (I'm sure a little initiative doesn't hurt!) 2) It shouldn't matter what you make - the salary part shouldn't matter as long as it's something you like to do 3) Money is a pain. At least this is my interpretation of what was said. It made me think a lot about my current situation.

I've been so caught up in the petty politics of the school and getting stuck on the little stuff, that I've forgotten to focus on what really matters - the students. I've focused on my salary and how long it'd take me to pay off my student loans that I've let myself forget how much joy there is in seeing the light bulb moments.

So, what to do from here. I've cleaned out my desk - a clean, organized home base sounded like a good place to start - and moved on to the shelves in the room. I'm going to clear the clutter and get back to creating fun lessons & focus on the stuff that matters.

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